The Status of Crisis Management in Higher Education in Libya: A field Study on Sebha University

Abdalmunaem Saleh Abuenniran Igrirah, Enbaia Salah Ali Alafaid (1)
(1) , Libya


Several studies have addressed the subject of higher education in Libya, and the problems and difficulties facing this sector, as well as studies on crisis management, but studies on crisis management in institutions of higher education are few particularly in the Libyan environment [1]. In an attempt to find out the reality of crisis management in the institutions of higher education in Libya, this study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach, where it addressed the theoretical side through secondary data from the relevant references and studies; and the analytical side by collecting its primary data by distributing a questionnaire to a sample from Sebha university. The results showed that the Sabha University's management practices crisis management processes modestly, and base on the respondents’ opinions, there were not statistically significant differences with regard to crisis management practices at the university due to the variables gender – Age - educational qualifications, years of experience, and type of job, the results of the study were discussed and a set of recommendations for management of the university related to crisis management practices, as well as proposals for future research in this area.

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Abdalmunaem Saleh Abuenniran Igrirah, Enbaia Salah Ali Alafaid
عبدالمنعم صالح ابونيران قريره و أنبية صالح علي الفيض. (2020). The Status of Crisis Management in Higher Education in Libya: A field Study on Sebha University. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(1).

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